Friday, February 08, 2013

Cllr Charles Haworth Declarations Of Interests Oakham Town Council

Under the provisions of the Localism Act 2011, Oakham Town Council is required to publish the Register of Members Interests for each member of Oakham Town Council.

Oakham Town Finally realising they do have to comply with UK law have decided to 
publish on a poor and expensive website for  Leicestershire Parish Councils some 
two years late.


Cllr Charles Haworth Declarations Of Interests Oakham Town Council

Poor thing always gets a little confused.

In a standards statement he once said "I live at home in my mothers house and I care for her, oh could you not put that in the statement"

In his declarations of interests he now states he owns the house.

I wonder which statement is true?

It is hard to believe anything he states, knowing how freely he has lied to the police in the past.

Charles Haworth (PDF, 1.7 Mb)