Monday, February 18, 2013

Rutland County Council make £1.3 million Cuts to Freeze Council Tax

Rutland County Council make £1.3 million Cuts to Freeze Council Tax

This evening Rutland County Council met to set its budget for 2013-14

And set the Council Tax for the same period.

In the public gallery was Cllr Lucas and Ex Tory Councillor Peter Jones and Peter Lawson
an ex High Sheriff of Rutland. Then came along ex Mayor Paul Beech, Conservative Chairman
Parsons suggested Mr Beech might like to sit next to his mate Mr Brookes. I do love this Tory
sense of humour!

There was fortunately  no humour contained in the long speech given by Tory Leader Roger Begy.
It  was hard to take notes as he rattled it out so quickly over a long period of time.

Also I had to contend with the constant chit chat from Mr Beech to Mr Jones sitting in front of me.

Mr Begy said he had based his budget speech on a song "Bridge Over Troubled Water"

He was recommending no increase in council tax

Mentioned the hardship fund they had set up to help those who are likely to suffer hardship due to
the new benefit changes.

He also briefly attacked the Rutland Anti Corruption Party.

He pointed out the remainder of Rutland's Primary Schools were racing away to  academy status.

He finished saying something that included Rutland is a place to Live, Work and  Play.

A number of Councillors made comments but the best show came from Cllr Lammie a good looking
young Tory Puppy in training, so it was understandable that Cllr Emmett the Tory Corby failure looked
on with such intensity, admiration and a smile, his grovelling must have earned him a few good boy points from the local Tory Leadership, but probably none from central government. As he read his comments
from his computer, he complimented and grovelled  to the leadership and the cabinet for all their hard work
that they had put into the preparation of the budget.

He said they had done a good job despite being dealt a bad hand by central  government.

He went on to state the council will have a deficit of over 2 million in 2018-19

What a legacy these Tories are going to leave Rutland

He did go on to say this meant the council will have to review and change the way this council
does things and added so will all councils.