Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Sue Tyers, Oakham Mayor, 2002 - 2003, correction

 Rutland County Council Election Candidate Jim Harrison former
Oakham Mayor and Town Councillor enjoys filming the
drunken woman ex Oakham Town Councillor Sue Tyers exposing all in Jay Close,
Oakham Rutland

It has been pointed out to me today, that when I first published this photograph ,  I had forgot to mention
not only was Mrs Sue Tyers a former Oakham Town Councillor and Primary School Governor.
She also holds the respectable title of Former Mayor, Oakham Town Council 2002 - 2003

I checked this out and found it to be true so, I am pleased to be able to make that correction.

respectable guests lined up to be filmed by Former Oakham Mayor
and County Council Election Candidate Jim Harrison

How the Rutland Conservatives Celebrated the Royal Wedding with drunkenness and acts of gross indeceny from the ladies, Jays Close Oakham