Thursday, March 28, 2013

Gracedieu Guided Walk, Gracedieu Priory

21 Apr 2013 3:00pm

Gracedieu Guided Walk

Meet at The Bull's Head, Thringstone, car park and walk to the picturesque riuns of 13th century nunnery and learn it's history. Cost £3 payable to walk leader

Guided Walks on 3rd Sunday of each month until October also Ghost Walks every 2nd Thursday, which must be booked. Contact John on 01530 458872

see website www.gracedieupriory.org.uk

Venue: Gracedieu Priory

Disabled Access: Disabled persons welcome but it is a long walk to the Priory.

Contact: Ann Petty / 01530 831895 / annpetty1948@yahoo.co.uk