Friday, March 15, 2013

Oakham Town Council, Working with the People, for the People, Working for itself at the people's expense

Oakham Town Council, Working with the People, for the People, Working for itself at the people's expense

This morning I received my council tax bill.

enclosed is a booklet titled Living in Rutland  produced by Rutland County Council

There is a small advert placed by Oakham Town Council costing nearly £1,000

This advert has to be one of the Town Council's most expensive lies.

Of course not as high as the published administration costs which continue to rise year
after year.

This year over 40% of its income public money will be wasted on an ineffective Clerk and other
day to day running costs.

If this was a company it would  be liquidated.

The Town Council has no plan for this year the budget is based on last years spending

The Clerk has adopted Flex Accounting which I gather is meaningless.

Many of the 8 unelected Councillors don't serve the community, but are happy to dish out
harassment and abuse to those they don't like supported by the old guard..........

Once again Oakham Town  Councils greed forces them to publish the nonsense below
How can their estimated expenditure be more  than their income when they have not decided
on how they are going to spend the tax payers money in 2013 -14

The Clerk once said "its our job to collect the taxes and spend them as we please"

Also in a written report available from his office that is hardly open, he says "We do little, but
what we do, we do well" and I say at a very high cost in all cases.