Sunday, March 24, 2013

Who you know's more important than what you know! Rutland Times

Who you  know's more  important than what you know! Rutland Times

This week we were treated to a long piece about the skills of local journalism from
Eileen Green the Editor of the Rutland Times.

I asked does she ever read her paper?

I mentioned the constant drivel from local governance and those connected to it...

Today we are treated to the following main news item?

Home Straight Rutland launches new website

A cleaning agency has launched a new website for customers.

Home Straight Rutland, which provides cleaning, home help and gardening for clients, can now be found at www.home-straight.co.uk

What are the Rutland Times doing?

Home Straight is run by a former  Oakham Town Partnership Town Manager.
With friends connected to our town  council, who are connected to The Rutland Lions.
another distant connection, film location for knicker dropping local dignitaries. on Royal
Wedding Day, one drunken party morning. filmed by former Oakham Mayor Jim Harrison.