Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Leicester Police Bail, Court Appeal, Listed

Leicester Police Bail, Court Appeal, Listed

My solicitor yesterday listed an appeal of the bail conditions that I have been subjected to.

The grounds of this appeal is they infringe my human rights and interfere with the good old
British System of Democracy.

Something Leicestershire Police and our local councils appear to have forgotten is a basic
right to every person in this free country unless you are of course in prison. But even then
I understand you can have a meeting with your MP if they agree.

An attempt will be made to lift the four, 100 metre bans as this effectively restricts my freedom
to travel out of Oakham and move around the town.

The other is to seek the removal of the ban of me attending either Rutland County Council
or Oakham Town Council public or private meetings, no police witness is connected to
Rutland County Council.

We all know there are many connected to our local governance who would like to see this
ban last forever.

It would of course be a large problem, when I call an election to return to Oakham Town
Council in September or earlier if the appeal court judge would hurry up and make up his
mind on what to do.

Yesterday I asked the Town Clerk to be provided me with public documents relating to the
Town Council meetings.  Simply The Agenda and attached public documents, he said I will need
to check if I can give you them?

I wonder who is pulling the strings in this case a repeat of last year.

I am discussing  with my solicitor the possibility of taking action against the police and
the Councillors and former Councillors for harassment against me.

It is possible injunctions may be sort to stop these very vindictive attacks I have suffered over the
last 5 years.

I understand some connected to local governance may be upset by my comments and critical posts.
but that is my right to freedom of expression.

Last night I watched the BBC's have I got news for you and some of the comments made
against public figures were of a stronger nature and I assume all lawful.

It seems to me those holding public office in this county are all extremely sensitive people and
I wonder if they feel so hurt about anyone being critical about them, weather they should be in
public life?

The Author of Laughing Stocks Oakham is a serving Councillor and their attacks have crossed
the line, since before 2009 they have been supported by the local councils and police and been
permitted to publish posts including photos of my friends with very graphic sexual text these friend are not in public life and did not ask to be included in mostly explicit text and comments using various names including Lardboy on the Rutland Chat Forum. http://oakhamslaughingstocks.blogspot.co.uk/2012/10/train-your-underdog.html

The Councillor could set their blog to private, something they often did after complaints were made to the
police, but they now chose to continue to damage my relationship with my friends.

They are now claiming I stalk them, film them and harass them. They are bailed till September 30th
I cant give their name for legal reasons. What I will say is it is an utter disgrace that a person
who has published such depraved filth is permitted to represent the people of  Oakham and seems
to enjoy a better relationship with the police. But then most of the complainants served many years
on the local police committee JAG.

Their supporters would often say I destroyed their little club, being a local council, that does nothing for the
community at a huge cost. At the weekend I asked them to consider this, the author of this blog and their filthy behaviour whilst serving contributed 99.9% towards this.

Why do they not think that people wont serve on the Council, because they see how critics are attacked
in the most vile and disgusting filthy depraved manner, online and via the Royal Mail or over the phone.

Oakham Mayor Cllr Dewis has the cheek to say I questioned a proposal of that councillor because
I don't like them!

He also suggests I am bitter. I think when I and my friends have been treated in the way we have by this
council, a little bitterness can be permitted.

I might be bitter because one of the complainants against me says in the opening lines of their statement
I was wary of Brookes back in 2009 because I was told he was mad!

So just saying I was mad and I am not, is this anyway for local governance should treat a mad person? I don't think so!