Friday, April 05, 2013

Rutland County Councillors approve pay increases for the Chef Executive and other senior officers

Rutland  County Councillors approve pay increases for the Chef Executive and other senior officers.
If you dig into the set up of Rutland County Council staffing you will see it is still too top heavy and
very costly.

It is good to see we are once again all in this together.

I don't enjoy being reliant on Job Seekers Allowance.

I object to paying £27.00 to Rutland County Council from that money that allows me to exist this month.

I strongly object that this money contributes to the running of Oakham Town Council and the over paid Clerk.

The town Council is becoming an ever increasing burden upon the residents of Oakham.

Why does the Clerk need to be paid over £2000 a month?. The Town Council also feel the need to
employ an assistant. This is all show and a costly one. When I raise the issue of the Clerks constant
absence with the Council, the Mayor Cllr Dewis accuses me of obscenity?

What is obscene is the Clerks frequent comments like "oh good more new homes means more income and the town council doe not have to provide any additional services." "We don't do much but what we do we do well" "It's our job to collect the tax and spend as we please"

Next week the full unelected Councillors meet, looking at the agenda the big question is why?

Once again there is no significant business on the agenda.

Oakham Town Council Agenda 10th April 2013, Not much happening in Romper Room next week.

The big question is why did they need to increase the council tax bill, when they are doing nothing for the community?