Monday, April 29, 2013

The Open Air Mission, Came To Save Oakham, Saturday, Will Pray for Oakham Town Council

The Open Air Mission, Came To Save Oakham, Saturday

The preachers stood in a circle in Gaol Street on Saturday
and pounced on shoppers as they passed.

I listened to their very simplistic message. Accept Jesus and all
your problem would be solved.

I pointed out the list of Christian Oakham Town Councillors
and explained my current situation. I asked them to pray
for their fellow Christians. I was told their is such a thing as
false Christians and they will be judged. So in the meantime
one has to suffer. Although I do remember one of the Councillors
who I can't name for legal reason did say once my problems
wont last last as they will all soon be dead due to old age. I wonder
if they include them self in that comment? They have published some
of the most disgusting filthy attacks against me since pre 2010.

I watched a programme later that evening and was interested
to hear Margaret Thatchers mother was described as a bigoted
Methodist by one of her own daughters.

At least of Oakham Town Councils, Councillors is one of those.

Once accusing me of bringing the council into disrepute for celebrating
my birthday in a gay bar whilst watching "transvestites" who were actually
drag queens.