Friday, May 31, 2013

Conservative Councillor Gene Plews has been kicked out the Tory Cabinet at Rutland County Council

Conservative Councillor Gene Plews has been kicked out the Tory Cabinet at Rutland County Council

Mr Plews who is my ward councillor, has been kicked out if the Tory Cabinet.
This is good news for the council.

Mr Plews who does not live in Rutland should be kicked of the council, he holds onto to his seat by claiming 
he cuts hedges in Rutland.

Unless you are in his clan it is impossible to to contact him directly.

And if he does not like you he will make the most extraordinary accusation against you to his buddies at the local police station.

Last year he told police in a signed statement I have destroyed Oakham!

Mr Gene Plews (Con)
Democratic Services
Rutland County Council
Rutland LE15 6HP
Mobile: 07999 649 824

Representing: Oakham South East (East of Railway Line, South of South Street, Mill Street and Burley Road)

There is a concern that the cabinet which is getting smaller and smaller as the years pass is not a healthy option for the democratic process at Rutland County Council. The Cabinet is currently made up of 5 old Tories, who often make important decisions.
'so much in so little',