Saturday, May 25, 2013

Homophobic Rutland,

Richard Bradley Wilks also commented
Richard wrote: "I'm going to tell you something Martin Brookes and your not going to be happy.... you and your kind are the problem with his country... you homosexual bisexual insestual people bitching at each other and then when you fall out like you did in the local council you waste tax payers money taking your shit to court... at the end of the day your moaning because you have been kicked out of the club and all you want is back in and they are not letting you play any more.

Your not pointing out what is wrong with this system of things in fact there was a time when you promoted it and ensured it's continuance.

I personally didn't hear a word from you when you was playing your stupid power games and a sitting member of whatever backwater committee it was. Grow up grow a pair and get on with it had you wanted to stop any of the legal proceedings restricting you you would have had the common sense to put a disclaimer on your site to say nothing of copy-write but you are in fact enjoying what you are doing and the attention you are getting.

There is no aspect of what you are doing or going through that is for the betterment of this nation and thus I say you are the epitome of all that is wrong with England and further more if you don't have anything to contribute to the serious issues and discussions ideals notions that I try to promote here and on my other sites shut the fuck up...!"
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I am not sure what Mr Wilks thought I could do to help him with his issues when I was a town Councillor. I did know him then. For information I have not chosen to go to court. One does not chose to be arrested. In the past I have been a supporter of Mr Wilks, If growing some means threatening and homophobic behaviour then I chose not to take up his advice. Its bad enough being attacked by the enemy, now to find oneself attacked buy a person you have supported is a bit odd. I wonder what Mr Wilks would thinks if I replied to him in the same manner and replaced homosexual with Black?

I wonder if Mr Wilks has ever thought of becoming a town Councillor, the vacancies have been advertised.