Thursday, May 09, 2013

Oakham town council the bankrupt town council

Last night Oakham Town Council met 4 the annual town meeting and the annual meeting.

No members of the public attended those meetings.

Councillor john nowell was absent from both meetings.

Finally the town council has produced some sort of accounts that show it now has no reserves something I pointed out last year. The clerk and the council seemed to wish to hide this from the public.

I can not understand why this council  has appointed a mayor who in the past has admitted harassing me.

Those who follow my blog will know this clllr has asked me to photograph him so he can use the images for his personal use. He has now passed the police to asked me not to photograph him or publish comments about him at any time.

As he is mayor of oakham a public figure I will as always take a photograph of the mare at any public event. And I will publish those photographs and any true comment about any person in public office. If councillors and others like the Mayor in public office dont like publicity then maybe they should consider their suitability for the role of public office?

Do we live in a free country?
Do we have freedom to express our opinions?

The idiot once thought it was funny to present me with a sponge when his mates connected to local governmence were calling me a sponger due to my  unemployment situation.

In the past I have published e-mails in which he is highly critical of the local police. Whilst serving as a special constable.

He sent me an e-mail late one night asking me if I thought he was mad you can find that e-mail on an earlier post.

I don't think I need to answer that question?

I can only imagine the hotline to inspector mystry will be busy this year. Even though this councillor told me he cant trust the man.

Oh dear I do feel sorry for the residents of oakham.

Public apathy have allowed this situation to develop. 8 councillors not elected and unaccountable.