Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Oakham Town Council Elections 2013

Rutland County Council Democratic Services on behalf of Oakham Town Council will be advertising for residents to call election in all four Oakham wards.

The process has failed in the past.

The Town Council has failed to co-opt any one for at least one of the four seats since 2010.

Many people complain to me about this crap council made up with egotist nutters and sexually depraved people. You only have to read the councillors laughing stocks blog to find the last description fits.

There are plenty of good people in Oakham this is your chance to make change.

As for the deviant councillor I have written to our MP and a tribunal Judge and explained Rutland County Councils selective standards procedure or lack of one?

Rutland County Council say adverts will appear at the end of this week.

Ten Residents in each ward will need to send Rutland County  Council a letter signed calling for an election in their ward after adverts are displayed.

The letter for Oakham SE Ward is prepared and ready to go.