Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Thanks Oakham Police

last night while shopping in Tesco Oakham I overheard a customer telling a checkout operator He was going to wait for me outside the store and give me a pasting.

Its was not the first time I had seen this man.

I dont know him.

He drives a small silver car. when he sees me he turns red and often makes some imtimidating gesture.

The first time was last summer. He drove passed me in Oakham Town Centre sounded his horn and waved two fingers.

Last night I had forgotten my phone.

As I had clearly heard his threat I considered this a lot more serious than the old folk who have seen that awful photo in Rutland Mercury who point at me when I am out walking.

I decided to delay my exit from Tesco and suffered reading a copy of the Melton Times.

I walked out the store a car started up in the taxi rank and drove towards me and stopped the driver made angry gestures and said something I could not hear as his window was closed. He drove away.

I returned to the store and spoke to the manager.

A supervisor called Kerry said she knew the man but would not give his name.

She did say he was a friend of Michael Lambert. that name means nothing to me.

although its a name of a Leicestershire Police Officer and two other men who live just outside Oakham.

This man unknown to me but harasses me and now threatens me is not a good advert for Currys PC World as he was wearing their staff uniform.

I think the last 3 letters of his car registration are RDM

I assume this man must be supporter of our terrible local councils. Because most members of the public are very supportive unlike the bullies connected to our local councils.

At least the CCTV was working last night.

I thank the unknown police officer at Oakham Police Station who did his job.