Thursday, June 06, 2013

Can You Help A.L.I.C.E? Action -Letters-Information-County-Electorate

I have been sent the following from a person who has suffered terribly from the conduct of Rutland County Council, this includes senior members of staff and Tory Councillors.

One member of staff who I can not name for legal reasons denies in a recent police statement they have caused harm to any resident in our community.

It is very hard to find anyone who has a good word for our local governance, but they won't speak out because of the bullying and harassment suffered by those who have spoke out in the past.

My own case is typical of this pattern of conduct suffered by others.

Maybe the elderly lady who wrote recently to the Rutland Times and received threatening phone calls after publication. would like to send her evidence.

Before I my land line disconnected I was frequently subjected to calls from a drunken woman who I assume was a Rutland Tory as she would tell me to keep my nose out of council business.

I will use the Town Councillors Blog because they have often supported RCC during their filthy depraved campaign.

I was shocked to here from DS Mcdonald yesterday, he told me that the CPS may not be prosecuting the Councillor who has been the root of most of my problem since 2009.

I guess the standards have now been set and its fine for anyone to use the net to attack people in such a depraved way.

I look forward to publishing future reports about Oakham Town Councillors Carrot Orgies! of course I wont  unless I catch them at it!

Dear Rutland Electorate

Can You Help A.L.I.C.E?

Action -Letters-Information-County-Electorate

We would love to know what your impressions are of the

Rutland County Council - have they helped or hindered you, your business, family & friends in any way? This is an invitation for any person living in Rutland to write in to let the public know about the good deeds and the bad deeds over the past years.

Every letter will be responded to with complete confidentiality and complete anonymity if so required.  Otherwise complete openness and transparency will help to bring issues to light. Help us to help you improve our community. This is your opportunity to have your say and be listened to!

Simply write about your experience to

Dear A.L.I.C.E………. and email to DearAlice@hotmail.co.uk

Request if you want a reply or further information how you can help

There will be a future opportunity to debate any matter or concern publicly at a forum and a forthcoming one day event will be held to promote awareness about issues of concern:

Homelessness, Access to legal help, Dementia Care, Suicide, and SPOC.

If you have any interest in being involved please write in and air your concerns or experiences.  Especially if you have been a subject of a SPOC- Single Point OContact at R.C.C.


Action -Letters-Information- County-Electorate

A.L.I.C.E. is not part of any political party, sect or group.