Thursday, June 13, 2013

Ketton Ward By-Election, 27th June 2013, Candidates and Agents Briefing - 13th June 2013

Some of the Candidates for the Ketton By-election attended a briefing at Rutland County Council
this evening.

Although I could attend I chose not to and sent a delegated person a good friend of Rutland County Council
Helen Pender. I remained outside.

The UKIP Candidate did not attend.

The Conservative attended with his Agent Councillor Lammie.

The other Independent also attended.

I was impressed with his good relationship with the Tory or it might have been a very green choice for
them tom share a car to and from Ketton

A presentation was shown and I have been provided with a copy.

One line stands out printed in RED under the heading The Count "No photography will be permitted" 
I wonder why this authority is so backward?

as at the 17 May 2013 there are a total of 2,279 Electorate 383 of those are registered for a postal vote.

There is a spending of £600 + 5p per elector

I think I can find 5p in my pocket that is a start.

Public Awareness

Everyone should have by now received a polling card and statutory notices have been displayed on the Councils web site. A terrible sit e to navigate, I often hear this complaint. Even one of my Solicitors found it impossible to find a notice.

The Council will issue press releases and radio articles.

and use twitter @rutlandcouncil (blocked)

Polling there will be 3 polling stations

Barrowden Village Hall, Wakerley Road, Barrowden

Ketton Library, High Street, Ketton

Tinwell Village Hall, rear of All Saints Church, Off Crown Lane, Tinwell

Hours of Poll - 7am to 10pm

Postal Vote opening Candidates and or their election agents may attend the opening of postal votes.
I can't so I have delegated a person.

The Count could happen Thursday 27th 2013, Council Chamber, 10pm
It may take place Friday 28th 2013.

The Candidates accept me can attend the count,

I don't have an agent,

I have nominated a Count Agent

I am not permitting guests although I was asked (how can they be my guests if I am not present.