Thursday, June 20, 2013

Rutland County Council Comment. Conservative?

I have often said and received shit from Rutland County Councils Tory Mob for stating the obvious, that mob are not true Conservatives.

I am pleased to read a comment on the following post click link

To avert the UKIP threat Conservative councils should stop following socialist policies | Local Government

Rutland County Council (Conservative)have a socialist s106 policy. They also avoid meaningful scrutiny.It has made me wonder just how many "Conservative" councillors are actually Conservative ? I suspect a number of councillors simply use the Conservative badge to more easily get elected in a Conservative area.This probably applies around the country .

Many people tell me if you placed a Tory Rossette on a pile of horse muck in Rutland it would win an election. I agree with their comments.
The only problem is they don't really win elections. They often take seat un opposed and the low voter turn out does not give them much of a mandate to serve.

Talking off muck did anyone see the state of Tory Leader Roger Begy at the official launch of the Shore Link bus last Saturday? he looked as if he had been rolling in some of that muck?

I could not help thinking of poor young Nigel who died from cancer and was bullied and attacked by Rogers supporters on the Councils banned chat forum. During his time of illness.
All he did was telephone Rutland County Council and complain about Roger looking like a tramp on the BBC news outside the former RAF Cottesmore.

So I expect some more muck to come flying my way very soon!