Thursday, July 11, 2013

Cllr Gene Plews, Resigns from Rutland County Council, Tories

I would say the Rutland County Councillor has seen sense and resigned from the Conservative Party.

I wont.

Cllr Gene Plews has always been very selective about who he assists
in our ward, One resident who claims friendship with the Councillor
was thrilled to receive the above two cones when they raised parking

Cllr Gene Plews claims to have resigned from the Conservatives over parking issues in the Oakham South East Ward created by Rutland County Councils daft green policy.

There is more to this resignation that meets the eye.

He was pushed out of the cabinet earlier this year.

The ex Tory thug signed a police statement last year claiming I had destroyed Oakham!

The question still remains over this councillors eligibility to remain a councillor in any capacity.

He lives outside Rutland and hangs onto his seat by claiming he runs a company in Oakham.

He cuts a hedge in Barnsdale and no company is registered in his name. 

He often talks about SAS and the selling of his very successful security company. 

A check of companies house shows this company was dormant in the year he claimed so much success.

Cllr Plews is a great supporter of  few councillors at Oakham Town Council and the old guard.

Durring his time as a Tory at Rutland County Council it appears he did a good job for sport and some work with young people.

Although I fear what he has created for the future of Rutland, with his work with the youth parliament.

Rutland County Council Standards Committee once ruled it was fine for this councillor and Tory Roger Begy to refer to me as an idiot. Which I am not.

Cllr Plews could not even control Leicestershire police parking in his ward,

He has always had a dififcult relationship with the police, always demanding more, in a police statement he
questioned why the then Tory Police authority chairman now ex Tory Rutland County Councillor Mr Roper
was not doing anything about me?

This is a typical parking issue throughout his ward, (Homes Contractors)

Mr Plews has a side kick in our ward and he remains a Tory Councillor
for our ward, Cllr Munton no one knows what he does. Accept he
is a company director for a company owned by a former Tory Councillor
Mr Ellis 

Mr Jonathan Munton (Con)
6 Brooke Close
Rutland LE15 6GD

Tel: (01572) 770733

Since the election Mr Plews appears to have moved into a Council Office

Gene Plews
Mr Gene Plews (Ind)
Democratic Services
Rutland County Council
Rutland LE15 6HP
Mobile: 07999 649 824