Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Leicester UK City of Culture 2017 public meetings, Leicester Central Library Bishop Street, Town Hall Square, Leicester LE1 6AA

Leicester UK City of Culture 2017 public meetings.

If you would like to find out more about Leicester’s bid to become the next UK
City of Culture join us and the City Mayor as he hosts two sessions at the
Central Library on Bishop Street, offering people the chance to hear presentations
by the bid-writing team and find out how they can get involved. The bid team is
keen to involve local communities in the city’s final bid – which must be submitted
to the Department for Culture, Media and Sport by the end of September.
Two information sessions will be held on 30 July, with the first one running from
4pm to 5.30pm and the second starting at 6pm and ending at 7.30pm.

Places at the library are limited, with 70 seats available for each session, so
pre-booking is essential. Seats can be reserved, free of charge,
by calling 0116 252 7320 or by email: info-backthebid@leicester.gov.uk

Tuesday 30 July 2013

starts at
finishes at



    (0116) 299 5401

    Leicester Central Library
    Bishop Street, Town Hall Square, Leicester
    LE1 6AA