Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Three UKIP Councillors in Rutland, facing potential legal action after suggesting council officers are involved in fraud and corruption, Councils Own Report

Three Councillors in Rutland are facing potential legal action after being accused 
of suggesting council officers are involved in fraud and corruption, suspect planning 
approvals, misusing public money, and the squandering of millions of pounds of grant funding.

Members (Special Council 29 July 2013) voted in favour of supporting the #### #### and/or 
officers to take legal action in their own name for defamation by UKIP Councillors Richard Gale, 
David Richardson and Nick Wainwright.

The decision taken is in addition to a series of recommendations agreed at Special Council 
(10 January 2013) that provided authority to seek an injunction to prevent harassment #### #### 
and other officers.

Councillors were informed that the resolutions agreed at the January meeting are still valid, 
despite the three Councillors forming a new political group (Rutland group of UKIP).

Roger BegyCouncil Leader Roger Begy: “This is a particularly difficult decision and one that 
members have taken after careful consideration.  

Councillors are well aware of the financial risk of taking this route, but feel we have no option.  

If we sit back and do nothing, we are open to constructive dismissal claims from staff as well as recruitment and retention issues.”

Councillor Begy added: “In recent years, grant funding has played a key role in some of our most successful projects including the Oakham Bypass, Catmose College and Oakham CE Primary School.  

Only last month, the three Councillors published statements to the national media and online accusing the council of ‘squandering millions of pounds of grant money’.  

We can only hope this does not reduce our chances of receiving future funding for projects within our local community.”

Councillor Begy went on to say: “Going down the legal route is an absolute last resort but one that we are prepared to take in order to protect our officers.  

The quickest and cheapest way to resolve this latest position is for the three Councillors (Gale, Richardson and Wainwright) to either agree publicly that they have been mistaken and issue a full apology, or to provide evidence that supports their claims.”

Other Information

Voting details

16 Councillors voted in support of the recommendations

Mr Edward Baines (Conservative)
Wood Lane Farm
Rutland LE15 8QZ
 Tel: 01572 722154

Mr Roger B Begy (Con)
Lindow Cottage
25 Main Street
Rutland LE15 7NJ
 Telephone: 01572 812529

Mr Kenneth A Bool (Con)
4 Church Farm Close
Rutland LE15 8BZ
 Tel: (01572) 813356

Miss Gale Waller (Lib)
21 Pinfold Lane
South Luffenham
Rutland LE15 8NR

Mrs Carolyn C Cartwright (Con)
3 Main Street
Rutland LE15 9EP
Tel: (01572) 822233

Mrs Christine Emmett (Con)
The Windmill
Rutland LE15 9DQ
Tel: 01572 747000

Mr Gary J Conde (Con)
54 Empingham Road
Tel: 01780 720252

Mr William Cross (Con)
Hill Top Farm
Braunston Road
Rutland LE15 8UH
 Tel: 01572 755744

Mr Jeffrey T Dale (Ind)
12 Station Road
Wing Hollow
Rutland LE15 8RY
 Tel: (01572) 723569

Mr David Hollis (Con)
The Roost
49 Main Street
Rutland LE15 7DH

Tel:01572 812996

Mr Martyn Pocock (Con)
Home Farm House
Rutland LE15 7PE

Tel:01572 812599

Mr James Lammie (Con)
12 North Street East
LE15 9QL

Mobile: 07825 552973

Mr Jonathan Munton (Con)
6 Brooke Close
Rutland LE15 6GD

Tel: (01572) 770733

Mr Chris A Parsons (Con)
'Poachers Rest'
Newstead Lane
Lincs PE9 4SA

Tel: (01780) 762489

Mr Mark Woodcock (Indepedent)
33 Harrington Way
Rutland LE15 6SE

Tel: (01572) 755814

Mr Terry C King (Con)
3 Debdale
Rutland LE15 7BU

Telephone: (01572) 812735
The Big Bother TORY House Who will be evicted Next?

2 Councillors left the meeting early after declaring an interest – Gale and Richardson (UKIP)

1 Councillor decided to abstain from voting – Plews (EX Tory)

1 Councillor voted against the recommendation – Walters (Independent)

Apologies received from – 

Figgis, (Con) 

Montgomery, (Independent) 

Oxley, (Lib) 

Stephenson, (Con) 

Vernon, (Con) 

Wainwright (UKIP)