Saturday, August 24, 2013

Our Leicester Day Sunday 25th August 11.00am - 4.00pm Leicester Market

Our Leicester Day

Sunday 25th August

11.00am - 4.00pm
Leicester Market
For just one day, Leicester Market will be taken over by local community organisations, clubs, societies and voluntary groups.
Presented by the RSA and supported by Leicester Market, stalls will be used to showcase what goes on in and around your neighbourhood and visitors can find out about how they can become part of a community group or how to get involved in volunteering opportunities. If you are involved in such a club or organisation, come and show what you do and make use of the stage area if you need a bit more room to showcase your talents.
This year Our Leicester Day is part of the City Festival celebrating Leicester as a truly international city with deep roots and in celebration of the diversity a range of activities, cultures and interests will be on display as well as street artists, musicians and talented performers.
Whether you want to promote your own organisation, find out about new activities, try something different, or just enjoy the vibrant atmosphere of our city, Our Leicester Day is the perfect chance to see what makes Leicester OUR place to be.


Activities and stalls from:-
Embrace Arts
After 18 
UK City of Culture
Spring to Action
Home Start
Red Leicester Choir
Sing to Breathe Easy
Leicester Sing for Water
Leicester Amika Choir
Girl Guiding Leicester
Knighton Park Operatic Society
Starbase Leicestershire
Street Vibe
Soar Valley Music Centre
Section-31 board gaming club
Brahma Kumaris Leicester
Leicestershire Police
Leicester Photographers Club
Voluntary Action Leicester

Need Further Information?

For further information about Our Leicester Day:
W: leicesterday.org.uk
E: admin@leicesterday.org.uk
Facebook: Our Leicester Day
Twitter: @OurLeicesterDay
- See more at: http://www.visitleicester.info/things-to-see-and-do/festivals-celebrations/summer-in-the-city/city-festival/our-leicester-day/#sthash.FQqBf8eP.dpuf

City Festival  Sunday 25th & Bank Holiday Monday 26th August  Leicester City Centre

Ride Leicester Festival Sunday 25th August 11.00am - 4.00pm Bede Park and City Centre

Sports Fest Sunday 25th August  11.00am - 4.00pm Humberstone Gate West & Gallowtree Gate, Leicester

Our Leicester Day Sunday 25th August 11.00am - 4.00pm Leicester Market

End of the Pier Delights Sunday 25th & Bank Holiday Monday 26th August 11.00am - 4.00pm Orton Square, Leicester

Journeys Festival Sunday 25th & Bank Holiday Monday 26th August  11.00am - 5.00pm Town Hall Square

Old Town Festival Bank Holiday Monday 26th August  11.00am - 5.00pm BBC Radio Leicester, Magazine Square, Newarke Houses Museum, Leicester Castle and Motte, Old Town Sites

Leicester Belgrave Mela Bank Holiday Monday 26th August 11.00am - 6.00pm Humberstone Gate, Clock Tower, Gallowtree Gate, Leicester Market