Friday, August 23, 2013

The Band of The Scots Guards will Beat Retreat in Oakham Market Place, ABF The Soldiers’ Charity

The Band of The Scots Guards will Beat Retreat in Oakham Market Place

followed by A Reception in Oakham Castle to Celebrate The Queen’s Coronation

Wednesday 11th September 2013  18:30hrs

Dress:   Lounge suit

Ticket admission only at £25 per person which includes Reception Drinks and canapes

Tickets available from:  Major Nick Bodian Tel:  0115 9572103 -

Mobile:  07901 516543

or Janet at eastmidlands@soldierscharity.org

ABF The Soldiers’ Charity

Chetwynd Barracks,  Chilwell,

Beeston, Nottingham, NG9 5HA