Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Eligibility and Charging Consultation, Rutland County Council, Adult social care changes to eligibility and charging policies

Eligibility and Charging Consultation

A 12 week consultation finished on Saturday 22 June.
You can find all of the background information in this section of the website. If you are still unsure or have a question, please call 01572 758 444 or email ascconsultation@rutland.gov.uk.

Adult social care changes to eligibility and charging policies
The Council has written to most people who are in receipt of adult social care support.  Letters have not been sent to people in residential and nursing care as they are unaffected by the changes to charging and eligibility policies. 
Service users who have a learning disability or mental illness will receive notification about whether the changes will affect them within the next three weeks. 
Eligibility for services is changing on 16th September - this means that some people who have previously been entitled to social care support will not be entitled to this council funded support in the future.  Charges will change from 1st October.
Nothing will change about your existing social care support package without you being involved in an assessment to discuss this - if you are affected and need an assessment you will be contacted.
If you are concerned please call the dedicated number (01572 758 444) and leave your name and telephone number (if you are calling on behalf of someone else please can you also leave their name) someone will call you back within one working day to discuss your concern.
The council has also published some Frequently Asked Questions (pdf) which answer many of the most popular questions we get asked. We advise reading this document before calling us.
You can also email ascconsultation@rutland.gov.uk or write to the council at Catmose, Oakham LE15 6HP
You might like to look at the reasons for the changes by viewing the documents considered by Cabinet on 20 August.
There will be an appeals process (pdf) in place if anyone is dissatisfied with the outcome or the way the assessment is carried out.