Monday, September 09, 2013

Langham ‘Rêveries’ Langham Parish Church

Sat, 28 Sep 2013 7:30pm

Langham ‘Rêveries’

“Sat 28th September: ‘Rêveries’, An evening of music for soprano,
flute and harp, including works by Britten, Satie and Damase featuring –

Miranda Heldt - Soprano

Manda Williams- Flute

Rowena Bass- Harp

Starts at 7.30pm in Langham Parish Church. Bar from 7.00pm
and in the interval, substantial refreshments, tickets £10 from 01572 723533 or 757435 or,
from Music and More, 4 Melton Road, Oakham, all proceeds to the church.

This event is one of a series of concerts in the church of choral and instrumental
music which have included Elizabethan melodies, jazz, opera, cello, show
tunes and light hearted miscellanies.”

Venue: Langham Parish Church

Disabled Access: Yes. Wheelchair access. Hearing loop.

Toilets and Disabled Toilets in Village Hall a few hundred yards away.

Contact: Debbie Sowter / 01572 723533