Saturday, September 07, 2013

Oakham Town Council Spent £750 last month on Rutland Times Adverts for band concerts

Oakham  Town Council Spent  £750 last month on Rutland Times Adverts for band concerts

Last month Oakham town council wasted nearly £750 advertising the weekend band concerts
held in Cutts Close.

The turn out for the concerts is always very low.

The the cost is very high but not in all cases.

Nearby residents complained about noise last month relating to one groups, who's lead singer sung like a dying cat ruining every ones peaceful Sunday afternoon. Residents are more likely to complain when the groups are poor.

Friends of our town clerk were only paid £150, one of this years lowest fees

it's possibly sometimes true "you only get what you pay for"

There appears to be no evidence that the money the town council keeps
throwing at the Rutland Times is doing any good.

I photograph each performance over the years and I see no increase in attendance in some cases
turn out is less.

This Sunday the is a good brass band at 2pm performing at the Bandstand Cutts Close