Monday, September 23, 2013

Promotion Of Oakham Working Group, Councillor Lucas, Budget 2014 -2015

Promotion Of Oakham Working Group, Councillor Lucas, Budget 2014 -2015

Once again it looks like the working group led by, Cllr Joyce Lucas and the one I can't name yet
won't be receiving a budget for 2014 - 2015

They have no plan again and repeat what they said for 2013 - 2014 budget.

Why do they think they can have public money to spend as they please?

Maybe they need to spend a little more £7220 on expensive low quality pencils?

The budget report above says the group are expected to supply further details on some
of its requirements?

I am not even sure Rutland County Council would accept that sort of proposal.

What have they based their requirement of public money on, if they don't know what they
are going to spend it on?

It also suggests they don't want to consult with the other ten councillors about expenditure?

So will we be left with the following scenario Joyce: "Hello Clerk, can I spend £100 on
delicious chocolate shot glasses and £120 on Baileys and other drinks for my friends
and family because it was good for the people of Oakham?" Clerk: "of course you can darling
anything for you and it"

Its no surprise the chairman recently said "it's like we have two councils with those two"

As for promoting Oakham what a load of crap the two of them have spent thousands on
gazebos to attend events.

Cllr Lucas gossips with her old friends and snarls at those she detests, it sits on its
fat rear wrapped in a blanket moaning all day. That was Rutland Day at Rutland Water.

Its no surprise the tourist bus runs empty from Rutland Water if that is the representation
potential visitors to Oakham are glumly presented.

I must say the yellow gazebo's do look more cheerful!

Maybe they should send Councillor Dewis along instead, he is
such a nice warm, friendly welcoming chap.