Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Rutland County Council finally approved an application by David Miller Homes for the development on land in Braunston Road

Rutland County Council finally approved an application by David Miller Homes
for the development on land in Braunston Road at a development control and
licensing committee meeting held yesterday.

The plans include five two-bedroom and five three-bedroom houses,
plus a one-bedroom flat, which will be built over the drive to  a 22-space car park.

The committee also considered objections from two neighbours
and Oakham Town Council.

The town council said that the height of the development is excessive
and not in keeping with the area.

There were no objections from the town council when they approved
the destruction of the community pub and also this delightful architectural
addition to the road.

One of the nearest neighbours to the new development is Former Mayor,
Town Councillor and Currently Rutland County Councillor Mr Woodcock
and his wife is The Deputy Mayor of Oakham.

The town council have never been influenced by either councillors views.....

I should point out the last time this planning application was considered
by Oakham Town Council, Councillor Mrs Woodcock declared an interest.

When I first moved to Oakham both sides of this footpath were
filled with fine trees the land owner and the Woodcocks killed
all the trees on their side.

The council only placed a preservation order on the first two trees
at the Braunston Road end of the path.