Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Cllr Charles Haworth said, Poor Gary Glitter, who only looked [or was only convicted of looking] at pics on a computer.

Cllr Charles Haworth AKA Lardboy said, Poor Gary Glitter, who only looked [or was only convicted of looking] at pics on a computer.

Had a shock watching MJ's 30th anniversary tribute the other night. MJ isn't the only one addicted to plastic surgery - did you see Katherine Hepburn, the contrast between her ninety year old hands and sixteen year old face was gobsmacking. It is unjust to have a go at Jacko cos of his mush when there is an epidemic of cosmetic jobs in showbizzland. And why doesn't Bashir interview all the celebs here who wear those ridiculous wigs and toupees?? As for changing colour, I've known people here who were of mixed race who could look whiter or blacker as the mood and fashion took them. As for sleeping with boys, who knows?, but there certainly seems a danger that some impressionable fans may start to think paedophilia is acceptable. Poor Gary Glitter, who only looked [or was only convicted of looking] at pics on a computer. Maybe he could seek asylum in Neverland.
Nevertheless, inspite of what I've said, I can't consider that MJ's lifestyle is sustainable. I predict that in five year's time he'll be either dead or in gaol.
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