Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Oakham Town Councillor Charles Howarth Views on Young People in our community

Oakham Town Councillor Charles Views on Young People in our community

A post from Cllr Haworth AKA Lardboy communicating with the son of former a former Mayor, Tony Harrison.

Mr Haworth did not want a skatepark no problem with that but his extreme views regarding the young people could be a cause for concern.

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Posted -:  11:52:26  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  Delete Reply

Tonyh, you hit the nail on the head, I don't really care what young people want, and why should I or anybody else? It's all want want want with them and they'll just have to learn that in this world "I want" doesn't mean "I get". Frankly, ever met a kid who did know what he wanted? They change like the wind and don't feel accountable when they career from one craze to another (why should they - isn't that what being a kid is all about). The Victorians had it right, what children want is respect for their elders and betters and should be seen and not heard, that's the way to treat them! Keep Cutts Close green forever!!!!!!!