Thursday, October 24, 2013

Uppingham Late Night Christmas Shopping Thursday 5th December 2013

Uppingham Late Night Christmas Shopping Thursday 5th December 2013 | 5pm - 9pm

Christmas is a great time to enjoy Rutland's traditional English Market Towns in all their festive glory. Featuring events and activities including funfair, craft stalls, late night shopping and much more...

Events will be kicked off in Uppingham with late-night shopping in the town on Thursday 5 December from 5-9pm, last year included a vintage funfair, craft and gift stalls on High Street East, alongside a fully festive farmers market selling hot food. Craft and gift stalls will also be inside Uppingham Town Hall, with the night being complimented by Christmas carols, bell ringing, music, Santa’s Grotto at Baines Tearoom on High Street West,

Contact for Uppingham Christmas Market: Lucy Stephenson | listephenson@rutland.gov.uk