Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Oakham Town Council Public Deputations

Oakham Town Council Public Deputations

Public Deputations at Oakham Town Council are severely restricted each person is only permitted
3 minutes to speak about any items on the Agenda, it causes problems when there two or more serious
planning issues on the Agenda. This change was brought in by a council that is not interested in any input
from  the public.

Any way today I upset the council, by taking more than three minutes complaining about them and in particular Cllrs Charles Haworth, Lucas and Lowes conduct. They  asked me to leave, I did n't Cllr Dewis said I don't have a democratic right to protest. He said he will go to the police in the morning and report me for disrupting the meeting. I emailed them to save him the trouble, it is not a criminal offence to express your disapproval of a homophobic group of bullies such as Oakham Town Council.

The Chairman of Planning Cllr Woodcock permitted me extra time to speak on one issue so I raised my concern about the councils proposal  to purchase gas for party balloons.