Ten Healthy Trees Destroyed in South Street, Oakham, Due To New Home Owners Allergy
Although Oakham Town Councillors at the last planning meeting expressed concerns about the
destruction of 10 healthy old trees that have been part of the South Street Scene for years
they would not send a message of refusal to Rutland County Council, They did recognise
that one tree might cause problems to nearby property.
The new view is the back of some ugly buildings replacing what was a pleasant view of green trees.
Rutland County Council Planning approved this unnecessary destruction of another green part of
our town.
The big question is why did a person buy a house set amongst trees if they knew they had an
allergy to them?
I wonder if they realise how they have exposed there property to the night-life of Oakham.
they might wonder why the previous owners locked their high gates at night. Now the drunks
can just hop over the wall!