Sunday, December 22, 2013

Fabulous Anna Soubry & Nigel Farage, Anna Soubry says Nigel Farage looks like he has a ''finger up his bottom'' - and UKIP leader is not amused

Fabulous* Anna Soubry & Nigel Farage
Watch out Nigel there's a finger behind you

*Fabulous is a brand of Chocolate Finger, I am not suggesting Anna Soubry is anyway Fabulous

Anna Soubry says Nigel Farage looks like he has a ''finger up his bottom'' - and UKIP leader is not amused

Ms Soubry made the remark on the BBC’s flagship Andrew Marr show after watching comedian Rory Bremner impersonate David Cameron, Ed Miliband and Mr Farage.

The minister chipped, complete with demonstrative gesture: “I always think he looks like somebody has put their finger up his bottom and he really rather likes it”.

"Are you allowed to say that?" asked Rory Bremner.

"It's too late," replied host Marr. While Lord Mandelson, who put a restraining hand on her arm, responded: "Anna, please, It's too early!"

"Sorry, but he does worry me," Ms Soubry added.