Thursday, December 19, 2013

Rutland County Council: The ShoreLink tourist bus service be varied to operate a weekend only

The ShoreLink tourist bus service be varied to operate a weekend only
service until the 18th April 2014. due to lack of use. Often repeatedly 
seen running empty, I am not sure how the council obtained the figures
show in graphs shown at the end of this document. http://www.rutland.gov.uk/pdf/Report%20No.%20293-2013%20Travel4Rutland%20Shorelink%20Timetable.pdf

The figures show the service is apparently being used more than in the first month of
operating. So I assume if it is not worth running now why did they bother in the first
place. Thousands of pounds of public money has been wasted on this project.

Rutland County Council state: There will be a saving of £9k to the Department for 
Transport from the reduction in the service. 
The Travel4Rutland project continues to be high profile. 
This amendment will generate publicity which could be 
used to promote the Council in a positive light, e.g. 
responding to public feedback. 

The Buses don't even look this smart any more, dirty and scraped
as many driver find them to big to navigate the smallest of Rultand

The council would like us to believe this is a green project its not
green verges have vanishes in some of the finest villages and replace
with tarmac, Some villagers complain of ugly bus shelters that just
appeared with no consultation with residents let alone the parish