Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Homophobic Oakham Town Council, Rutland County Council, Helen Briggs, No official record of the court case or verdict?

Homophobic Oakham Town Council, Rutland County Council, Helen Briggs,
No official record of the court case or verdict?

Cllr Charles Haworth as Deputy Mayor

Are Rutland County Council taking the  P!

I think so, the homophobic council says there is, No official record of the court case or verdict ...

(I can call Rutland County Council Homophobic because they know and were provided with evidence
of homophobic communications sent to me that originated from their council chamber computer network and the museum offices. Then there was computers at the library where they permitted Cllr Charles Haworth
to carry out part of his hate crimes on behalf of them and Oakham Town Council. They often lied and said they could not track a users to a single computer at the library, I requested information relating to my use before the court case and received a detailed report of all my usage and computer ID's and timings from information they hold linked to my card.)

Cllr Joyce Lucas Former Oakham Mayor 

They go on to say there is no evidence to which Cllr Lowe could make a statement.
This is absolute crap, Cllr Lowe told me during a telephone call not long after the case,
he was very shocked by the extent of the conduct I had been subjected to by Cllr Charles Haworth and
Former Mayors Harrison, Beech and others since 2009. As we know he did at one point in time
join  team Haworth, Beech and Harrison, until he nearly lost his job at TP and lost his hobby position
at Leicestershire Police.

He even went as far as saying he may not be able to issue a statement on behalf of the council and
was likely to raise the issue himself at council meeting.  Then why has he not do that, he is the Mayor and Chairman.

The answer is because he is also homophobic, I chatted to him about my school days after a teacher
was sent to prison last year and he ignorantly came to the conclusion that I did not find a teachers actions
odd at the age of 11+ because I was gay!

The Tory puppet did allow me to read my preparerd statement at a council meeting in December but its clear it was just a token gesture because other Tory trash like Cllr Stubbs continued to be obnoxious. Most councillors did n't even have the courtesy to look at you when you are speaking, Cllr Lucas sat smiling and Haworth smirking, Even though I was not permitted to mention his name, he knew I was talking about him. His smirk grew as I referred to the block of communications received from him one Christmas when he accused me of having sex with my father in a very explicit way, obviously I did not repeat the messages at the council meeting, it probably would have over excited the pervert and his supporters. Another of his supporters Cllr Alf Dewis seemed to object to any mention I made about his communications.  

I wonder what Rutland County Council mean by no official record?

They have all seen the local press reports.

I am sure they have seen their award in Private Eye, legal bullies of the year.

Mrs Helen Briggs Chief Executive was a witness at the trial at which she lied.
Her assistant was also present, on the last day she even sent in the communications

Most of Rutland's Police were in court.

Oakham Town Councillor Joyce Lucas and her mob were present every day as she
chatted and dished out home made cookies and sweets to all who support Cllr Haworth.
ignoring the judges request not to eat in his court building.

Take out the homophobic crimes, because I don't have a chip on my shoulder and
we have a bunch of mainly Tories and that includes Helen Briggs at Rutland Council
and Some of Rutland Police, Who all support malicious communications and other unlawful
activities over a period of many years, against myself and other people in our town and county
who have rightly criticised them.

It is amazing how many of those involve planning issues.