Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Melton Mowbray Job Centre

The new Job Centre located in Melton Borough Councils office
is very smart.

It has one of those televisions Katie Hopkins type of people  think
all people on benefits own.

I used to own one purchased when I was in work it broke last year
and however try I cant seem to get the JSA to stretch to replacing it
and make do watching a spare small TV.

There is even a loo, which helps those who used to pee on the seats.

The down side of the new location is there are no job search points
the ones that used to print out miles of thermal paper have been scrapped.

The are no phones to phone those expensive 0845 numbers the government
insists we use when we call any of their departments I am told you can make
an appointment to use a phone, all very good if you live in Melton.

My Sanction:

My MP wrote to the DWP about my unjust sanction, The DWP did nothing
I wrote to the Employment Minister they did nothing.

I then wrote to the DWP and asked various questions and provided evidence.
more than one letter.

Persistence paid off, eventually the reviewed my case and the evidence and
found the advisor was wrong to sanction me.

The DWP provided me with further information regarding the law. Shockingly
a Job seeker like myself is only required by law to do one job search a week.

I do a lot more and keep all the evidence, very important when you have a few
advisers who are not very nice, like the one i met for the first time last November.