Monday, January 20, 2014

Swan blocks A6003 between Caldecott and Uppingham, Super interesting Rutland Times Top Story Today

Which is the Guilty Swan? It can't be the one outside Swans Antiques, because if it was
that one which had escaped or gone missing again, I am Inspector Monks would have sent a whole 
team out looking for it, like he did when the owner who was then a Tory Councillor telephoned him 
one Sunday morning. Most people would have just received a crime number. A team of officers found
it a few hours after a search was coordinated by a local PC with local knowledge and thankfully the 
Swan was found a few yards up the road in a residential garden.

Swan blocks A6003 between Caldecott and Uppingham

Police were called to help move a swan from the middle of a road but were not needed when the swan moved into a field.

The bird was spotted on the A6003 about halfway between Caldecott and Uppingham at about 12.10pm yesterday (Sunday).

The caller had tried to move the swan with no luck.

A second call was received at about 12.25pm to say the swan had moved into a field so police did not attend.