Friday, February 07, 2014

An open message to Katie Hopkins Your views are illogical, spiteful and crass, yet you constantly spout them so vociferously, without any thought for who you offend or who you hurt.


An open message to Katie Hopkins.

Last night, I was going through my news feed on Facebook, same old, nothing special. Until, that is, I came across a post that a friend of mine had shared that made my blood feel like it was sizzling.

It amazes me, that even in the wake of something as atrocious as the volume of the monstrosities that are happening in Russia’s LGBT community, Katie Hopkins manages to make herself into even more of a walking joke and single handedly dismiss what these gay men and women are going through.
So, here’s an open message to Katie Hopkins. I do not have Twitter, nor do I have any desire to get sign up, but if someone cares to share this with her, I wouldn’t mind.
  1. Katie Hopkins, you are a disgrace, not only to women, but to the human race. It amazes me, that even in the wake of something as atrocious as the volume of the monstrosities that are happening in Russia’s LGBT community, Katie Hopkins manages to make herself into even more of a walking joke and single handedly dismiss what these gay men and women are going through.

So, here’s an open message to Katie Hopkins. I do not have Twitter, nor do I have any desire to get sign up, but if someone cares to share this with her, I wouldn’t mind.
Katie Hopkins, you are a disgrace, not only to women, but to the human race. Your views are illogical, spiteful and crass, yet you constantly spout them so vociferously, without any thought for who you offend or who you hurt. Have you no compassion, no sympathy and no consideration for what the Russian LGBT community are going through? That people are being beaten in the street, refused their rights as human beings and ostracised for something that is beyond their control? Does it not utterly disturb you that the country is being run by a man who’s views are so backward it’s a wonder he can tie his fucking shoelaces?
I am proud to be living in a country that supports my right to be a human being. And note, I said ‘human being’ and not a ‘homosexual man’. Because believe me, I am out and I am proud. But my sexuality does not define me, like yours doesn’t define you. You bring shame on Great Britain for attempting to brush the issues of LGBT rights under the carpet when we should all be fighting for them with the rights that we have. If everyone had the same attitude as you, we might not have these rights, but I am very happy that others don’t have this appalling attitude and are fighting at this very moment to give all the help they can to Russia.
So do me a favour and just shut up. Stop talking. Leave the talking to people who actually have something constructive and decent to say, rather than opening their mouths and filling the world with shit.
Good day. are going through? That people are being beaten in the street, refused their rights as human beings and ostracised for something that is beyond their control? Does it not utterly disturb you that the country is being run by a man who’s views are so backward it’s a wonder he can tie his fucking shoelaces?
I am proud to be living in a country that supports my right to be a human being. And note, I said ‘human being’ and not a ‘homosexual man’. Because believe me, I am out and I am proud. But my sexuality does not define me, like yours doesn’t define you. You bring shame on Great Britain for attempting to brush the issues of LGBT rights under the carpet when we should all be fighting for them with the rights that we have. If everyone had the same attitude as you, we might not have these rights, but I am very happy that others don’t have this appalling attitude and are fighting at this very moment to give all the help they can to Russia.
So do me a favour and just shut up. Stop talking. Leave the talking to people who actually have something constructive and decent to say, rather than opening their mouths and filling the world with shit.
Good day.