Thursday, February 06, 2014

Bag A Slag, Grab A Hag Valentines Speed Dating Event at Nottingham's Old Angel Inn Cancelled

Bag A Slag, Grab A Hag Valentines Speed Dating Event at
Nottingham's Old Angel Inn Cancelled

The city council's licensing department said the landlord had breached
a part of the pub's licence which states it must not use inappropriate promotions.

The poster and event was planned by a barmaid at the pub, Lydia Hunt said she felt the word was "empowering" to women.

Ruth Greenburg, from the Nottingham Feminist Action Network, said the use of the word slag was offensive and derogatory to women.

"This is beyond the fun barrier. It is a very negative, sexist image of women," she added.

"Is that all women are - slags and hags?

"What self-respecting woman is going to go along to a speed dating event that sells itself to men in that way?"

The Angel Inn
7 Stoney Street