Saturday, February 15, 2014

Snow Drop Weekend, Little Ponton Hall Little Ponton NG33 5BS

Snow Drop Weekend

Saturday February 15th to Sunday February 16th

11:00 am to 4:00 pm

This is a stunning 4-acre garden which at this time of the year has a fabulous display of snowdrops and aconites. There are spacious lawns and a cedar tree which is over 200 years old.

A stream meanders through into the spring garden, and don’t miss the river walk.

Within the garden is a formal walled kitchen garden and listed dovecote with a recently developed herb garden. Victorian greenhouses show many plants from exotic locations.

This is an exceptionally good garden and one not to be missed.

There is a special car park for disabled visitors.

Good access for wheelchairs on all hard surfaces but unsuitable on grass.

Adjacent is the delightful St Guthlacs Church which will be decorated and all visitors are welcome.

The aconites near the church are breathtaking.

Admission £5.00 Children free
Light refreshments and Teas in aid of the church.

Plants for sale and other stalls

Dogs on leads welcome

Little Ponton Hall
Little Ponton
NG33 5BS