Sunday, March 16, 2014

Cllr Charles Haworth, Oakham Town Council, Eating and Drinking Hard Working Tax Payers Money

Cllr Charles Haworth, Oakham Town Council, Eating and Drinking Hard Working Tax Payers Money

Homophobic, Liar Cllr Haworth, who has been in receipt of JSA for nearly ten years
now and grudges anyone else who takes their entitlement from the benefits pot, often
tucks into piles of food and drink paid for by the tax payer, you won't see him at
the food bank.

Eating and drinking hard working Oakham Tax Payers money is something most Oakham Town Councillors

Be it the £200+ spent by Cllrs Lowe and Lucas on wine last Christmas or the £95 Cllr Lowe spent on
stuffing his face in February supporting his Tory friends at Melton Borough Council and His buddy ex Mayors favourite charity the list goes on.