Monday, March 31, 2014

DS McDonald David unique political landscape that exists in Rutland, Cllr Charles Haworth, Homophobic Crude and Crass, Supported by Leicestershire Police

DS McDonald David 'unique political landscape that exists in Rutland' Cllr Charles Haworth, 'Homophobic Crude and Crass' Supported by Leicestershire Police

I wrote a short email to Ds McDonald on Sunday, this morning I recieved his long response. shown in bold below.

Showing Leicestershire Police's support for homophobic hate crimes conducted by Cllr Haworth and co and others since 2009.

Why should I and others who have been attacked by Cllr Haworth and Co, Just 'move on' he and they have committed serious misconduct in public office and their appears to be no way they can be held accountable.

Dear Mr Swingler

I sent a short email to DS McDonald Re Haworth.

He has sent me a long detailed reply.

Cllr Haworth's conduct still effects me and others, his blog described as homophobic, Crude and Crass still remains on-line.

His blog is ranked high by Google, it even appears on page one when searching Oakham Town Council.

Such a high ranking is often given by Google due to a high number of visits, very much like my own blog.

Cllr Haworth is aware of this and his continued refusal to remove the
offending blog in my view is continued unlawful harrasment and would fall within the six month rule mentioned by the detective.

The detectives says I should move on easy for him to say! he has not suffered so many bitter homophobic hate crimes since 2009. All my complaints blocked from the days Inspector Monks up to his involvement.

His personal decision not to prosecute Cllr Haworth has not helped anyone accept Cllr Haworth and Co.

Leicestershire Police clearly support Homophobic hate crimes and have little considersation for those who has been effected by Cllr Haworth's action.

Leicestershire Police has sent out the wrong signal to Councillors and the public, being it is fine in the eyes of Leicestershire Police for a Councillor to be involved in a very long campaign of hate.

He goes onto selectively mentioning one of the judges comments.

If Leicestershire Police had told me in January 2013 that they had arrested
Haworth, instead of playing their silly political games then when DS McDonald arrived to mess up PC Sue Cockerills case against Haworth
he would have not been able to arrest me, because I would not have had to constantly ask Haworth if what his neighbours were telling me was true.
He would have not also needed to clutch at straws by asking Mrs Briggs to join the political prosecution at the last minute with her evidence described by the judge as mostly not evidence. Personally I feel sorry for the officer who was clearly put on the spot, but he created an unsatifactory result and not one I am sure will bring him pleasure when he looks at his record.

So as he he suggests I will visit Oakham Police Station today to make a fresh complaint about Cllr Haworth's "Homophobic Crude and Crass Blog"

As the author of the blog is now public knowledge due to local press coverage and my blog exposure, not only is Councillor Haworth causing me harm, he is also adding to the what the public already thought of their terrible town council


Martin Brookes

Martin Brookes 09:01
To: McDonald David

Dear Sir

Thank you for your long detailed reply to my first direct email to you.

I remember very well what the judge said. I remember him using words that described Haworth as a liar. homophobic. crude and crass.

I dont remember him describing any of my actions in the same way. I do remember to this day how Leicestershire police have supported his and other homophobic hate crimes and how any attempt to help me was blocked by first Monks and then you.

best wishes from

Martin Brookes

Sent from Samsung Mobile

McDonald David (David.McDonald@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk)Add to contacts 08:26 
To: 'Martin Brookes'
Picture of McDonald David

Dear Mr Brooke’s

Thank you for your email below. As you are aware I am not a member of your local policing team based at Oakham Police Station, I am based in Leicester.
I have no day to day responsibilities for any on going policing issues at Okaham following the conclusion of your trial last year. I wish to clarify with you that my decision not to prosecute Cllr Howarth mentioned in your email below was a decision made entirely by me and not CPS, taking into account all of the circumstances that prevailed at that time. CPS were consulted only after I had made my decision not to prosecute Cllr Howarth and only to ask if they agreed with my decision. I still believe that the correct decision made at that time even though that decision caused you great personal upset. After a review of the evidence CPS did not disagree with my conclusion when presented with the same information.

Martin, you may have over looked the point made by Judge Temperley in your trial last year that your actions did amount to the harassment of Cllr Howarth. However, Judge Temperley found you not guilty of all of the harassment offences after he concluded all of your alleged conduct and actions were ‘reasonable’ taking in to account all of the available information and evidence.  This decision afforded you a statutory defence in law to a charge of harassment. Your defence team were able to introduce evidence and information dating back over many years to support your defence case. The prosecution case however, could only ever rely on evidence in relation to acts that occurred within the last six month period.

Leicestershire Police have tried to resolve some of the more complex community issues and take into the unique political landscape that exists in Rutland. Whilst I have no doubt that you feel you have a genuine grievance against Cllr Howarth, the ongoing mutual dislike of each other is not helpful to bring about any future resolution of these issues. Any decision by Leicestershire Police to investigate an individual doesn’t necessary mean that a prosecution will automatically follow. I know from the content of your letter that you have little faith in Leicestershire Police but we can not keep re investigating old allegations and complaints from you. I have told you that you need to move on from the past and try to put some of these issues behind you.

Any further complaints to police must be made to your local policing team and the new evidence must fit into the appropriate category covered by either the Prevention from Harassment Act or Public Order Act legislation. (The time limit for any prosecution under this legislation is six months from the date of the most recent event)

Any inappropriate (no criminal) behaviour by a local political figure should be referred to either the Town Council or County Council to be dealt with using the appropriate political mechanisms and processes governing standards of professional behaviour.

A great deal of police time and resources and public money has been spent on trying to resolve some of the ongoing issues affecting different people in the Oakham community, including those regarding complaints made by yourself and allegations made against you as well. If Cllr Howarth is continuing to publish materials or is causing you any further (new) harassment then you have the option to report this again to Oakham Police to consider if any new investigation is necessary or even appropriate.

I have in the past spent some considerable time talking through some of these issues with you and trust this email will be of some use to you. I would like to point out that it is not my intention to be rude to you or not respond to any of your emails or phone calls. My main duties are in Leicester. I have no current interest in any investigations linked to Oakham.

I must again emphasis to you that I do not have any direct policing responsibility for any day to day issues in Oakham and these are undertaken by your local safer neighbourhood team based at Oakham so please make contact with them for any on going issues you might have.     
I respectfully send this email for your further information.

DS1591 David McDonald
Leicestershire Police
Force TIC Team
Euston Street Police Station
Freemans Common
Tel:  0116 222 2222 
Fax: 0116 248 3557

Martin Brookes 30/03/2014
To: david.mcdonald@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk, enquiries@cps.gsi.gov.uk, philip.kay@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Cc: alan.duncan.mp@parliament.uk, professional.standards@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Picture of Martin Brookes
To: Detective David McDonald 

Leicesteshire Police


Martin Brookes
13 Willow Crescent
LE15 6EQ

30th March 2014

Dear Sir,

Re: Cllr Haworth

In the court room last year you made a promise to me and my
advocate David Swingler.

I am dissapointed and frustrated you have not followed up that promise
to review my complaint about the criminal activity of Cllr Charles Haworth.

You have an admission of guilt from him. So I can not understand any good reason why he should not be charged for his homophobic hate crimes and misconduct in public office.

Cllr Haworth also commited perjury in court and appears to have got away with that also.

I made a complaint to Rutland County Council's conduct committee this complaint did not reach even the committee. Even though
Councillor Haworth shared emails admitting he sent unsigned post cards on behalf of the residents Oakham, he claims he acted in his private capacity and not as a town councillor this is rubbish because anything if not everything he has used in his vile attacks against me others contained information he obtained through his capcity as a councillor.

I have copied this email to the CPS as I wish to use the Victims' Right to Review Scheme. I understand from what you said in court you personaly decided not to charge Councillor Haworth, strangley PC Cockerill told me it was the CPS. Maybe they can sort out the confusion.

I feel the CPS need to look at this case because we have a town councillor
who apppears to be able to break the law and sit and laugh at his victims.


Martin Brookes