Sunday, March 09, 2014

New Trees Damaged in Linden Homes "Ghetto" Estate Oakham Rutland

New Trees Damaged in Linden Homes "Ghetto" Estate Oakham Rutland


The name "Ghetto" for the new estate being built by Linden Homes on the
former Catmos College site was given by the two ward councillors at a
town council meeting. "we don't want the ghetto on our doorstep" said Haworth
and Lucas.

The video is dedicated to the first child born in Oakham's "Ghetto" last year, Linden homes
presented the mother with gifts you would not normally associate with a Ghetto lifestyle.

I had a good look around the estate today apart from the sad damage to a few trees
it looks a good place to live. I myself would avoid the shared ownership homes on offer.
I know many people who are stuck with these types of properties here in Rutland and still
can not sell to move on even when they try and sell their share for a lot less than they
paid. Recently some residents met with one company and asked them to buy back their