Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Conservative Leader Of Peterborough City Council, Chairman of Larkfleet Group soon to destroy this, Oakham Rugby and Football Ground

Conservative Leader Of Peterborough City Council, Chairman of Larkfleet Group soon to destroy this, Oakham Rugby and Football Ground

More  Houses

Devolopers Contributions For More School Places, Doctors, Police?

Why is the Tory Leicestershire Police and Crime Commissioner not complaining about the low
contributions from developers like the companies chaired and owned by the Tory Leader of Peterborough
City Council. Sir Clive Loaded recently complained and threatened legal action because he was only to receive £2,000,000 from a developer in Leicester.

Leicestershire Police only receive small amounts from developments in Oakham and Rutland and that never seems to bother him?

At the weekend I was told certain Rutland Tory Councillors sit on committees and various organisations along with the Leader of a City Council and they may not declare these interests when planning applications are considered by Rutland County Council, surely not?

I was also told a Tory Leader sits a body that has thrown public money at The Tory Deputy Leader of Rutland County Council, Terry King, Prison Site. They suggested quite a cosy relationship might exist, really? I am sure Mr King is already married?