Saturday, May 17, 2014

Mr Hamilton Rutland Garden Centre Rutland Village Ashwell Road Oakham Rutland LE15 7QN Threatening Demand

Mr Hamilton Rutland Garden Centre Rutland Village Ashwell Road Oakham Rutland LE15 7QN Threatening Demand

A short clip of what Mr Hamilton thinks is polite.

This evening walking in town  Mr Hamilton the owner of The Rutland Garden Centre stopped
me for what he described as a 'polite chat' I strongly disagree with that description.

Mr Hamilton is married to a former Oakham Town Council Clerk.

He objects to me asking questions about the large contracts his company once had with Oakham Town Council, to provide hanging baskets.

He also objected to my past blog publications relating  to that subject. Most of the posts were published when I was a town councillor.

He threatened me and demanded I write the following on my blog tonight and most certainly before 10.00am in the morning.

"Rutland Garden Centre did not win the contracts because my wife was the Town Clerk, You are F*cking wrong as always, I am asking you politely and you will do it ..........."

He often used the F word and insisted he was being very polite.

I think it's rather sad that I have to record people who are connected to our council, who bully and intimidate myself  and many other people in our community for simply asking questions or criticising them.

In the past I often reported incidents like this and worse and Oakham Police did nothing or if it was Sgt Foster he would say you deserve all you get.

In the case  of Rutland Garden Centre I believe as a tax payer I have a right to question a contract that runs into many thousands of pounds, I also have a right to question what I and others think were high prices, I also have a right to ask is this because the owner of the garden centre was once the town clerk?

I do not expect to be abused or threatened by the owner for simply asking those questions, As I said to
him as I walked away fed up with his foul manner,  his conduct could suggest to me and others that there was something wrong with his past contracts.

Mr Hamilton and the rest of the tiny Rutland Mob, might like to read the following and note Leicestershire Police are sick of your disgusting conduct and will take action against you.

I and others have put up with your disgusting conduct for over five years now, it is unacceptable.

I am told Mr and Mrs Hamilton remain friends with the current Clerk and other members of Oakham Town Council, this would explain but not excuse his foul conduct.

Mr Hamilton like his friends at  Oakham Town Council also requests I stop blogging. The problem is the more that harass me like this I become more determined not to give up the blog.

I am pleased to say that not everyone who has friends on our council behave in the same way, my bosses have told me they have friends on Rutland County Council and they are very polite to me.

I took a look at Mr Hamilton's facebook no surprise to find the friends list contains the Town Clerk, Mark Robison and Former Mayor Jim Harrison and also PC Joe Lloyd

I took a look at Mr Hamilton's facebook no surprise to find the friends list contains the Town Clerk, Mark Robison and Former Mayor Jim Harrison and also PC Joe Lloyd