Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Philip Quinton Pleads Guilty at Leicester Magistrates Court To Making Vulgar, Homophobic & Threatening Calls Supporting Oakham Town Council and a Rutland Cell?

Philip Quinton Pleads Guilty at Leicester Magistrates Court To Making Vulgar, Homophobic & Threatening Calls Supporting Oakham Town Council and a Rutland Cell?

Mr Quinton from Leicester failed to appear last week at Loughborough Magistrates Court.
A warrant was issued and he was arrested and taken to Leicester Magistrates Court.

Mr Quinton pleaded guilty.

I have been told by some one in law "3 week adj means they are considering prison"!

Mr Quinton will return to Leicester Magistrates Court on the 3rd June

Looking forward to seeing Cllr Charles Haworth and Co in the same court soon.