Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Rutland County Council Conservatives are asking for views as the council proposes to make a series of cuts effecting the elderly, disabled and children

Rutland County Council Conservatives are asking for views as the council proposes to make a series of cuts effecting the elderly, disabled and children

Rutland County Council needs to cut £925,300 in 2014/15.

The cost of providing some of the people based services is expected increase by £2m in the next few years as the elderly population increases and demand for help rises.

The council has launched consultation People First to hear what residents and service users have to say about a number of possible changes.

Rutland County Council Conservatives Propose to cut payments to foster carers. To foster a child in safe care can cost £24,000 a year;

The Tory Chief Executive of Rutland County Council, The Tory Leader and Deputy and other Tory Rutland Cllrs cost the tax payer about 10 times more.

Rutland County Council Conservatives Propose Closing meals on wheels service

Rutland Conservatives have always been looking for a way to deal with te ever increasing retired population of Rutland, now it appears they are proposing to starve them.

Rutland County Council Conservative propose cuts to transport expenditure for school children, day care users, children receiving respite care, they are also proposing people receiving free transport should give a contribution

Rutland County Council Conservatives propose reducing the amount spent on activities for children with additional needs. The council currently spends £158,000 a year providing short breaks;

Get rid of the dishonest Chief Executive, who was willing to lie under oath* and the children can continue to enjoy their well deserved breaks.

*to satisfy her legal mob Mrs Briggs lied to the district judge under oath when she said I always follow her around town and photograph when she is out shopping. Paranoid lying nut in charge of the running of our council.

Rutland County Council Conservatives proposing to withdraw support from five of the eight youth centres which are the least used, including those in Whissendine, Kendrew Barracks and RAF North Luffenham

Rutland County Council Conservatives Propose Closing Casterton Children's Centre and transferring the services to Oakham 10 miles away.


It says usage at the centre is considerably less than in Oakham

Rutland County Council, Conservatives are proposing Cuts to day care for the elderly and closing five day centres

They say these are proposals and welcome public consultation, experience tells me that these consultation exercises are just rubber stamping further cuts to vital community services.

Where will they put Roger and Terry after next years election.

People have until June 13 to let Rutland County Council know what they think about the proposals.

For full details and to submit your views via an online questionnaire, visit www.rutland.gov.uk/peoplefirst. You can also request a questionnaire from peoplefirst@rutland.gov.uk and return it to the council via libraries in Oakham, Uppingham, Ketton and Ryhall.

A number of consultation events will give people the opportunity to find out more prior to submitting their views:

Wednesday, May 28, 10am to midday: Public drop-in session at Oakham Library

Wednesday, June 4, 5.30pm to 7.30pm: Public meeting in the Rutland County Council chamber, Oakham

Thursday, June 5, 7pm to close: Joint Scrutiny Panel meeting at Rutland County Council chamber. This is a council meeting open to the public

Friday, June 6, 2pm to 4pm: Public drop-in session at Uppingham Library