Sunday, May 04, 2014

The Annual Town Meeting Victoria Hall Oakham Followed by Oakham Town Councils AGM in Chamber

The Annual Town Meeting Victoria Hall Oakham Followed by Oakham Town Councils AGM in Chamber

The Annual Town Council Meeting will be held in Victoria Hall Oakham High Street 6.00pm 14th May 2014

This will be followed by the AGM when a new Mayor and Deputy is appointed.

The town meeting is a good oppertunity for the public to go along and ask the council questions and even tell them what you do or don't like about it.

The current Mayor Adam Lowe will read a speach about his year, despite his loopinessin the past,  he has been a good Mayor. Accept when he would not publicly condem Cllr Charles Haworth and others for their disgusting and homophobic conduct. In the news today a Tory Candidate resigned for a lot less, the leader of that council said there is no room for a person like him in our team, Cllr Haworth and his chums tweeted and published a lot worse and all are most welcome at Oakham Town Council and Rutland County Council!

It would would be a great shame if Cllr Lowe had to read his speach to just me!

The previous Mayor, Cllr Alf Dewis read his to an empty hall, a clear expression of his popularity in our town.