Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Oakham Town Council Co-option, Process a complete failure and defamatory comment

Oakham Town Council Co-option, Process a complete failure and defamatory comment

Tonight Oakham Town Council failed to co-opt a new member.

I had the pleasure of attending a interview a week ago after another member of the public.

I was called by the Mayor who at the time mistakenly told me I would not be co-opted. I never expected to be.

Since then their preferred choice had pulled out.

So this evening Oakham Town Council had to consider me!

What surprised me was two Councillors spoke in support of me. They recognized my faults and also mentioned them. No one is perfect.

Homophobic Cllr Haworth's  supporters used their spokesman to rant just on about my faults, I have a problem with his defamatory comment. He said not only do I disrupt meetings as a member of the public, he went on to lie by saying, I disrupted all meetings when I was a member of the council.

It is true and documented that I refused to leave one Staffing Committee meeting when I was a member.

If I had an issue with anyone at a meeting I would wait until after the meeting, like the time Dewis provoked me and I think I told him to stick his head up his bottom or something like that.

This was not true of other members for example, when I asked a question once and the then chairman instructed me to shut my mouth. 

Talking of mouth its time that Haworth & Co's spokesman washed his out, he often swears at meetings, like tonight he said, just bloody well let them get on with it.

Going back to the candidate who pulled out, I am not sure if he found the one meeting he attended of putting or if it was Cllrs Lucas grilling him afterwards starting with her comment, "How did you find that boring nonsense"?