Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Oakham Town Council Spends Once Again Over £10,000 on Ugly Baskets, Three Free for the Conservative Chairman

Oakham Town Council Spends Once Again Over £10,000 on Ugly Baskets, Three Free for the Conservative Chairman

Rutland Conservative Chairman Mrs Clifton now receives three
large baskets on the wall of her home above this shop with the compliments
of the local tax payer.

Each year Oakham Town Council dishes out thousands of pounds worth
of hanging baskets to grateful commercial premises. Those which the Council
favor receive more.

None of these business owners contribute a penny to the cost which still continues
to grow each year.

This year the baskets are filled with  cheap horrible Petunias and strangely after the
council purchased plastic baskets which require less watering the cost of watering rose from
£2,000 to £6,000!